Monday, November 13, 2006

365 Days

My newest jumping-without-looking first project: I've joined Amber Dorko Stopper's Freeform Knit 365 Project.

From her description of the project:

"Begin a piece of freeform knitting, and update it daily for three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days, either scanning or photographing it's progress each day as well."

Each day, each of us knits a little and takes a picture of it to share with the others. We are currently only 3, as one knitter's camera broke, and she will be starting over when it is repaired. (Anyone can join and start at any time, so we are all on different days of the project; today is Day 011 for me). The shot above (Day 008) is the one that best shows the current state of my freeform project, and you can see that I have incorporated the piece from the photo below. All my project photos can be viewed here, and the group's pool is here. I'm fascinated by how different each of our pieces is, and by how we define "enough" for the day's knitting (that discussion can be found here, but you must be a member of Flickr to read it; consider joining, it's free and it's simple).

Does Amber's name sound familiar? If you're a knitter it should. Not only did she start this project, but she's the genius behind the Knitting Tarot, and her knitting Blog is here. She also writes amazing short stories. I discovered fortuitously and circuitously via the NOSHI Knitting Monograph Series. Check out Philly Fiction for her piece, The Slender Nerve (sorry for the Amazon link, Powell's doesn't have it).

Amber's project led me to 365 Days on Flickr, where 1,250 (currently) participants are taking one self-portrait every day for one year and posting it to the pool. It seemed like a nice complementary project to the knitting year, so I'm doing it too. This photo, "Tit Cozy" (Day 003), a complement to my "I Knit a Boob" post from a few days ago, seems to have gotten the most attention so far. All of my self-portraits for this project can be viewed here. And if you go here, you can read one guy's take on how best to do a project like this.

If you are a member a (free) member of the Flickr photo community, you can comment on any of my photos (or anybody else's, for that matter), and I love feedback, (+) or (-). Either way, you can check out some amazing photography there.

While looking for information on the 'net for these projects, I came across this guy, who made a stuffed animal every day for a year. Thought I'd better mention him, too, for all my crafty readers.

I'm off to ply some yarn I made over the weekend, so have a great day.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Ooh V - I think I know you too well now!

  2. I find myself checking in with your blog with an OHHHH or an OOOOOOOOO and then a huge giggle. I am asking a probing question on my blog you might be able to help me with. As for the knitted boob. It is fantastic!

  3. well, t, TMI *is* my thing... ;)

    thanks, lynn, i go for the giggle! i'm heading to your blog as we speak so that i can read your probing question.

    ps glad you like my boob!

  4. I have to ask, have you ever gotten this much attention for making a boob of..oops...I mean FOR yourself? ROFLMAO

  5. kerry, you. have. no. idea. (as in, all the time!)

    if you're ROFLMAO, maybe i should knit you an ass...

  6. You could use Fun Fur for the crack! LOL What??? I thought it was funny! LOL

  7. you're cracking me up, girl! have you seen my cherry pie thong? no? go here. But be warned... Milk-out-nose funny.

  8. OMG!!! Too. Funny. How about some cows for the top and a little bucked-tooth beaver for the bottoms next time??? LOL

  9. beaver bottoms! that's the best!!! i love it.


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