So I've been thinking of men even more lately, knitting men in particular.
I miss my friend Jay, who has been absent from Purl 'n Hurl since we started back up. He's headed for Oregon to do a PhD in geology, and I'm afraid we won't see him knitting before he leaves. I'll just keep pestering him to attend, I guess. He's our "ownly" penis knitter, and we miss him and the Samsonite briefcase he uses as a knitting bag.
I stumbled across Zeeppo's Knitting Blog, via the omni-present Natasha, and really enjoy it. You should visit and tell him Velma sent ya. He's a clown; no, really, he's a trained master clown performer who learned to knit in the circus, and his blog is weird in just the way I like 'em.
For those of you who haven't been there already, you should check out Queer Joe's Knitting Blog; I think he's the King (Queen?) of the penis knitting world. He turned me on (!) to Franklin of The Panopticon fame. Totally different, totally worth a visit, they are both squares on the Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo card created by StitchyMcYarnpants.
There are a ton more penis knitters out there; check the Men Who Knit webring for more. The button at the beginning of this post is courtesy of them. Thanks!
And if you need a knitting pattern, there's one for a Willy Warmer w/sack (courtesy of QueerJoe) and a Willy Warmer w/out (courtesy of Y2Knit). And MenKnit.net has man-centered knitting t-shirts for sale at Cafe Press. (There's some neutered ones there that are girl-friendly for us twats, too).
So here's to penis knit(ting/ters)!
Edited to add: I got this ditty via email from the aforementioned Jay:
willie and meHe says he's gonna make a cameo, yay!!
purl with we
on thursday for me
i will surely join thee
Funny you put the clown blog up, I just put up a clown yarn today, I don't like clowns!! HEE HEE HEE!
ReplyDeleteI just taught myself how to knit too..need to get me some fatass circular needles cause these long ones suck!
ReplyDeletei'm impressed that a) you taught yourself to knit and b) you spun w/out being a knitter. fatass circs are definitely the way to go! i almost never use straights. yucky.
i'm off to check out your clown yarn. xo v
zeepo is really funny. i love the "keep your stick on the ice" signoff. if you send male knitters his way and they comment, he will freak!
ReplyDeleteyeah, i really like that i can't figure him out at all. you've met him in person i assume? 'cuz he's in philly? i'd *love* to meet him! i only know 2 dudes that knit, but i sent both of them this post; they aren't connected to the knitblogosphere at all, so zeep should be new to them. hope they *do* comment!
ReplyDeleteps. the pkg. got here yesterday afternoon, and it is awesome! i'll try calling again this weekend to tell you how much i loved everything. xoxo