Weather-related KIP
Today the weather is poopy here on the northcoast: damp and gray and cold. But yesterday, oh my, spectacularoso! A bright blue sky with just a few snowy white thunderclouds to the east (I call this a "Simpsons sky" because it reminds me of the intro to the show). And talk about a Winnie-the-Pooh day! Blustery as all get-out. I know a lot of people don't like windy weather; gets 'em all agitated and irritated. But I love it! Gets me all fired up (although it often wreaks havoc on my damn allergies). Yesterday was one of those days, and Eileen and Sophie and I hit the park for some grubbin' and some swingin' and some knittin'. These pictures are from our trip there yesterday, and yes, that is the Hallowig in my hands, I finally got it underway for the KAL. Like the color? It's Bernat Camouflage in the most gawd-awful shade of orange I could find (where you could go and call this camo, I don't know; the 80s, maybe??). I think this is my first foray into acrylic, and I'm surprised at the softness. The mystery child behind the lace scarf is almost-3 Sophie, and that's Mom knitting up a storm on said Branching Out scarf, in Elsebeth Lavold silk wool.

It's a Cabling Miracle!
Thanks to Tiennie, my cabling "crisis" was averted without any ill effects. She pointed me to the Yarn Harlot's tutorial for re-cabling a crossed cable, and I was successfully able to fix my foobar cable in the Hoodie without frogging all 4 rows of knitting. Now that is a skill to have! I've now almost completed the hood, so this project is moving closer to the FO folder.

Just what I needed, right? I told myself I wouldn't join any more until I finished at least one I'm already in, but hey, my Hoodie is almost done, right? And the Hallowig shouldn't take long at all. So why not, I ask (that's rhetorical; I don't actually want to know any reasons why I shouldn't, so no pestering me about it, 'kay?). This button for the FiberFlix craftalong in my sidebar; they are about "An ongoing craftalong melding the fiberarts and movie watching, this group will view films, discuss them, and create using the films as inspiration!" First up: film noir, ooh, one of my faves! Check them out.
New (To Me) Favorite Blogs
- Never Bored - for it's motto: "You're Only Bored When...You Are Too Stupid To Find Something To Do"
- I Hate Fuzzy Yarn - because of her vitriol against all things Fall-Knitty, especially the skirt I started a knitalong for
- Yarnival! - more of a knitblog post roundup than a blog itself, it is a new Blog Carnival for knitters/crocheters/spinners/dyers/fiberistas
Have you heard about Stitch-Cast? It's a podcast by BoogaJ (of Knitting Blogs Webring fame) about Sewing (Episode 10), Braiding (Episode 9), Weaving (Episode 8), and other fibery crafts. She's also done non-fibery crafting episodes, if you are into that. My favorite so far is Episode 5: Japanese Craft Books. There's a little somethin'-somethin' for everybody there.

I. Must. Make. THESE! Two of my good real-world friends, Modbuster and The~Califoregonian, sent me a heads-up about the Knit Chuck Taylors, knowing of both my lust for shoes and my knitting obsession, particularly for weird knitting. How cool are these?? Maybe in orange to match my Hallowig? Wish I hadn't thrown out the playa-infused pair I trashed after Burning Man in '04. The pattern is HERE. And if that's not enough, I found this episode of the DIY Network's Knitty Gritty, where they make more knit shoes.

Glad to be of service! Love how you find interesting things to knit but your knits-to-do list must be a mile long! How do you find the time?!
ReplyDeleteyer heartily welcome, t! glad you find my weird knitting preferences interesting... i always wonder how others view my skewed tastes.
ReplyDeletei'm lucky that i have friends who send me links to the craziest things; that's how i find many of my projects. *and* i have too much time on my hands because i don't currently have a day job (i'm supposed to be working on my psych thesis). but yes, my to-knit list is looooong and ever-growing.
come visit again soon. xo v
i['m glad you had some nice bleu skys!
ReplyDeletedoes wonders for the spirit.
~those orange shoes, wow, now those are a interesting.
~& wow! that knitty review. i'm glad i didn't design anything for this issue.
i personally love love love the issue & the sugar on snow thinggie, i met the designer last week at VTS&W.. we have 100 of those things around this house. it must be a vermont thing. ~ i mostly use them on my head.
wasn't that knitty review a trip? i have some pretty strong opinions about things, and i don't have any problem expressing them in my walk-around-in-the-world "real" life, but for some reason i can't imagine attacking someone's patterns on my blog. i loved the issue too, w/ a few exceptions that will remain nameless.
ReplyDeletei love both pairs of shoes, but i can't really wear heels anymore, so i'm thinking the chucks are more up my alley.
hugs to vermont, v
yea, heels are a no no for me.
ReplyDeletetoo much mud in these parts to be anykind of practical anyhow. haha.
i loved the issue too, w/ a few exceptions that will remain nameless.
i hope my article wasn't among those exceptions
but, everyone has a right to their opinion, yk? it just isn't my particular style. i mean, the review was so cutting it was a real funny kind of read; but i know how it feels to be on the reciving end of that kind of review. so, i feel real badly for any of the designers who may come across that. ~ & me too. i tend to save my BA Baracus style, for my day to day life, rather than subject teh interwebs to my dislikes. i'd rather share things i love and find pleasure in, with the world, rather than the other way around. (unless of course we are talking politics.. ha.)
hugs to the green triangle!
i hope my article wasn't among those exceptions
ReplyDeleteHELL no! you rawk. as soon as i pare down the projects i *already* have started, i'm gonna swallow and try your coils tutorial.
guess her review exemplifies the old dirty harry saw: "opinions are like assholes: everyone's got one." i feel bad for the designers, too. just seemed mean, to me. (course, i'm still feeling bad about putting my foot in it with the toilet paper dress woman).
no, no, julie thanks to *you* for doing it! what w/ all your other projects, i don't see how you get it all done. xo v