Sunday, July 02, 2006

2006 Blogathon - Count Me In

I've decided to participate in the 2006 Internation Blogathon, scheduled for 29 July. What's a Blogathon, my blogless friends (you know who you are)? People all over the globe joined for 24 hours of blogging. At least one post per blogger every 30 minutes, for 24 hours. For a purpose. What purpose you ask? For charity. The concept is kinda like Walk for the Cure, or other sponsored activity 'marathons' in which participants do something for a specified period of time and supporters provide a sponsorship to raise money for charity. Blogathon 2006 allows each blogger participant to choose their own charity, and after perusing the current list of participants, a wide variety of worthy causes will be mighty pleased at the close of our little effort.

I've chosen DonorsChoose as my charity. DonorsChoose "is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack. Teachers submit ideas for materials or experiences that their students need to learn. Individuals like you can choose a project and make it a classroom reality." Your $$$ going directly to a teacher, to students. DonorsChoose is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization, so give to your heart's content. You can either donate to one of the projects that I have selected (more about them later), or choose another that appeals to you. I've chosen projects that speak to me; a history/geography project, a knitting/literacy project, a science/literacy project, and a geography e-pal project. All of the projects I've chosen serve a high proportion of low-income children, and are located in Texas, New York, Texas, and North Carolina, respectively.

You can sponsor me/donate to DonorsChoose in 2 ways: 1) via the Blogathon or via DonorsChoose. As a 3rd option, you can sponsor/donate to another blogger participating in the Blogathon. I've provided links below for your convenience. So, consider yourself solicited. Leave questions in the comment box at the bottom of the post, por favor.

Links for more info:



  1. I sponsored you V

  2. r, you rule! you are my first (!) and hopefully you've opened the floodgates. xo v


Tell me what you're thinking, I dare you!

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