Wednesday, February 24, 2010

7 Down, 45 To Go

Finished another book last night, word nerd-ian readers: Hornet Flight by Ken Follett. A WWII historical fiction novel told from the perspective of Danish Nazi-resistors, it was a quick and pleasant read, if not as engaging as Pillars or World Without End.

The characters are fairly predictable & one-dimensional, but the period was obviously a compelling era, providing an interesting backdrop for their story lines. The most intriguing aspect for me was reading about the Danish Resistance, a movement I was completely unaware of. That, & I thoroughly enjoyed the way that an airplane, a beat-up DeHaviland Hornet Moth, was both the literal & literary device that carried the story along.

I give it a 2.5/5 stars.

As for my pages read & books read goals, this puts me at 14% and 13%, respectively. Seven books down, 45 to go!

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1 comment:

  1. Reading The Master Butchers Singing Club. Didn't you suggest it? Loving it!


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