Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Under the Big Top

Sparkle - YIP Day 12

Spun in December, I finally took pictures of 'Circus', one of my CurlicueyExtra™ style yarns and listed it in my shop on Etsy. First COLORBOMB Creations listing of the new decade!

Circus freak bright, texture out the butt, and a bit of bling in the form of angelina, it's loaded with as many beehives, turkish knots, and supercoils as I could cram into 34 yards. Doesn't sound like much yardage-wise, but it is uber-bulky so you can probably get a hat or other small project out of it. Wanna see more views of it? Head over here to see it from all angles.

I need to get spinning & dyeing again, don't I? Maintaining my motivation and inspiration is always a challenge for me. I am disheartened by the same-ness I see in most yarns, and it seems to sap my desire to create. Not sure why I let others' efforts affect me so much. Maybe I need a jump-start for my creative mojo, a tool or a workshop or something. Yarnwench uses daily journaling in the form of a "spontaneous watercolor" each day. Crystal has accepted the Creative Every Day Challenge and is working her way through The Artist's Way. Here's what you get if you Google 'how to stimulate creativity'. Gotta be something in there to get me going.

What do you do when your creative juices are all dried up?


  1. I'm rarely lacking for a creative idea - it's the motivation to sit still and start something that usually gets me. Or maybe I just can't focus. When it's not icy outside, I usually go for a brisk walk and get organized in my mind about how to start once I return home.

    When I need a bit of inspiration, I'll sometimes go through favorites in flickr or browse tags there looking for something I like, and then try to figure out how to translate it into my own style.

  2. Thank youu for writing this


Tell me what you're thinking, I dare you!

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