'Nother beautiful day in paradise, as they say. Spectacular spring weather, if a bit blustery. Did some topless spinning on the back deck, ahhhh. Took a beer break and put my feet up - check out my new shoes! Gotta love shoes with polka dots on 'em.
And they're eco-groovy!

Finished up a 3rd and started a 4th skein of LoopyDoopyMinis in the 'Route 66' colorway (on bobbin, left). Mailed off my check to Otto Strauch, so I'm one step closer to having my 2nd drum carder. :) Hit Purl 'n Hurl and knit with my peeps. All in all, really fun.

Here's a yarn pr0n pic for ya, of the $1 yarn I bought yesterday at the Dollar Tree. Not gonna bother adding it to my Ravelry stash, as it will get used for plying into my handspun. I'm tempted to go back and get more, as a matter of fact. It's hard to tell by the photo, but they're sparkly!
Topless really? Love the shoes and the colors on the coils they are very vibrant.
ReplyDeleteyep. ;) and sometimes, they call me 'velma no pants'. hahahaha!