O.k., the 'puter is back from it's sojourn at the
World's Best Computer Store, where she received a facelift (aka a souped up 250gig external hard drive), and some brand new accessories (a
mouse and a
surge suppressor). So now I am backing up my files (finally!), I have enough room to add the FTP software I need to take over webmistress duties for my local disc golf club, and I can (hopefully) cut down on the shoulder and elbow pain I've been experiencing from blogging. That's the good news for La Vaio. But. There's always a bad news, isn't there? When preparing to install said suppressor, I learned that my damn walls are NOT equipped with grounded outlets, so the aforementioned new laptop accessory will suppress no surges. Of any kind. So after 8 months of tempting fate by jacking directly into the wall, and finally investing in insurance so that the same fate that befell my iPod way back in February when we moved into this joint (ie. massive circuitry frying followed by several moments of silence, a subsequent damning to hell of the AC gods, and an Apple funeral, then an adoption of a second bouncing baby iPod) wouldn't curse my laptop, I'm back where I started with Unsafe Working Conditions. Harrumph. Now I've got to convince the landlord and -lady that we need a 3rd wire in our walls in order to safeguard our precious electronic equipment. We'll see...
'Nuff about my computer woes, I'm back in the proverbial saddle and as I said, rarin' to go. Thanks to my readers (you know who you are) that worried about me in my brief absence. But you can't get rid of me that easily.
That said, don't expect too much posting in the next several days, as I depart tomorrow for 3 days of camping, disc golf, and Halloween mayhem, as it is once again time for the annual
Par Infinity All Hallows Heave Tournament. 3 days and 2 nights of discin', drinkin', and general delight, all whilst camping under the stars. I'm lucky because another of Cole's many skills is camp set-up; last year, we had the best home-away-from-home you can imagine, with a kitchen, 2 tents (one for gear, one for a boudoir), jack-o-lanterns, candles, a seasonally-themed tablecloth-clad dining table, and a 300sqft. tarp to keep the rain out! I have high hopes for this year, too. Oh, and did I mention that all this merrymaking takes place in costume? Yep, costumed disc golfing is all the rage out here. My costume? 4 little words: Prom Queen, Day After. Just you wait.
So, what have I been doing for the week-without-blogging? You'd think I'd have accomplished more. Oh well, we do what we can. Here's a shot of some hats I finished; from L to R: Manos del Uruguay beanie, Manos del Uruguay watchcap, Manos del Uruguay watchcap, Noro Silk Garden beanie, KPPM baby beanie. Only the two Manos watchcaps were done this week during the blogging hiatus, along with 1/2 of a 3rd in green. I also started working on an earflap hat made of the
Bug Balls handspun I made earlier and the matching Crypt-ick handspun from
And here's a shot of a woodpecker that visited my yard this week. Although it isn't visible in this shot, another showed that it has a red crest. I couldn't believe how docile it was; let me get right up under the apple tree it was perched in before it took off.
I'm off to re-acquint myself with the mouse, do a quick
Purl 'n Hurl update for last week, and pack my crap for this weekend. Gotta polish the tiara...
Welcome back to blogland! You were missed! And prom queen, morning after cracks me up - you must post pics. Have a great camping trip. It sounds like so much fun.
ReplyDeletehi lynn! thanks for the kind words, i always wonder if it's just 3 people out there reading this or what.
ReplyDeletei didn;t go to the prom, so this should be fun. you can count on a kodak moment next week, fer sure! cross your fingers for no rain.
you have a great weekend too!
She's baaaaaaaack!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Velma! I missed ya!
I hope you have a great weekend. Tomorrow is our Haloween blow out and you will be missed. It has been advertised all week on KSLuG, and should be GINORMOUS!
I'm gonna sit on the porch with my shot gun and protect my house...not really,nice thought though.
My tongue is my only true weapon.
Now, that's a loverly picture don cha think?
Cant wait to see your new pics from your trip.
She's baaaaaaaack!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Velma! I missed ya!
I hope you have a great weekend. Tomorrow is our Haloween blow out and you will be missed. It has been advertised all week on KSLuG, and should be GINORMOUS!
I'm gonna sit on the porch with my shot gun and protect my house...not really,nice thought though.
My tongue is my only true weapon.
Now, that's a loverly picture don cha think?
Cant wait to see your new pics from your trip.
Hhmmmm.... I'm not sure how that happened.
thanks, kitty! have a great party, wish i could be there, too. you ever hear that julie brown song, 'prom queen's got a gun'? think of me that way when you are shotgun-porch-sittin'.
ReplyDeletexo v