Friday, September 29, 2006

I've Got Bloggers Elbow

Whew, just got finished posting the latest update to Purl 'n Hurl Blog, outlining our latest Knitting Under the Influence exploits, aka KWI or Knitting While Intoxicated (ha, didn't know 'til I googled those that there's a book and a blog, respectively, by those names; shoulda known somebody else thought 'em up first). This pic is from last night; do we know how to play, or what? And yes, that is a new WIP in my hands; it's a Hot Head Hat from Stitch 'n Bitch, in Manos del Uruguay. Go read the post and check out the photoset for more deets. Anyway, after literally FOUR HOURS of preparing that post, my blogger-elbow (tendonitis) is really flaring; beh. On to this post.

Got myself into more knitalongs. The Let's Bag It KAL, and the Grey's Anatomy KAL. I'm thinking of "cheating," and doubling up on projects for these KALs. I'm in the Simple Knitted Bodice KAL, and I'm thinking of making that in gray to cover both of those bases, and I'm in the Noni KAL, which I might double-count for the Bag It. Is that bad knitting karma?

On the non-knitting front, my friend Ferdinand sent me this logo-hat in the mail. Thanks, Ferd!! His business, Snorkel Alaska, is taking day-tripping cruise ship passengers on an underwater tour of the Inside Passage in Ketchikan, Alaska. How cool is that! He and his wife, Mai, then spend each winter visiting lovely, warm, beach-y locales like the Caribbean and Thailand. Lucky ducks! If you find yourself in Ketchikan during the summer, look 'em up and take a dive. (Thanks to Betty for modeling; I am having a really bad hair day).

Gotta go accomplish something else besides blogging today. Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    V - I think I'm going to have to join you on the Grey's KAL! I think the button for the Bag Me KAL is purty but I'm not so sure about the bag for October. You look like you're really enjoying yourself - keep rockin' it!

  2. thanks, t, glad to hear you'll be on board. i'm choosing between 2 different patterns for the grey's kal; a vogue cable v-neck and the simple knit bodice in gray silk. i'm thihking for the bag kal, i won't knit *that* bag but something different. most kals seem to be pretty flexible about *how* you participate. hugs, v

  3. I just took a look at your stash - impressive! I thought I was bad!

  4. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Blogger's Elbow: the Tried & True cure. 1.Amputate arm above elbow
    2.attach souped up Bionic Lady forearm

    The technique has 2 advantages. Bionic fingers type week's supply of Blog-Posts in less than a minute. Plus Bust magazine will pay a pretty premium for One Bionic-Handed Reads.

    Good Luck.

  5. hee hee, ellen, yeah, i've got a bit, huh? hence S.A.B.L.E. - stash amassed beyond life expectancy. thanks for the visit.

    mike, you are bad, so bad, and that's good, so good. one-hand reads, you know it! i'd be a bionic betty. love it. xo v


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