Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Google Alerts Should Be Your Friend

Meant to post this yesterday, but my brain is, as you know, often addled by cocktails and it plum slipped my mind.

My Velma's World blog post about my handspun art yarn, 'Clown Pants' from COLORBOMB Creations, being a featured pick on Etsy's Shop Live event in their Virtual Labs appeared in the blog version of our local rag, The Arcata Eye on Thursday. Lots of press for my yarn, my shop, and for Garth of Extreme Craft.

Wouldn't have even *known* about it if I hadn't signed up to receive a Google Alert for my biz name. Google may be taking over the world, but I am enjoying the benefits my new overlords offer. If you are a small biz person, I recommend you set one up for yourself today (easy! fast! no bitter aftertaste!).

Haven't seen any sales of 'Clown Pants' yet, but it might be why it got included in this 'Feelin' the Love' Treasury of recycled/repurposed items from Team EcoEtsy that JenniferJoyCreative made. Gettin' it out there is half the battle, right?

While Cole is out running his annual Ice Bowl disc golf tournament for our local club, Par Infinity, today, making the house nice & quiet, and while this spectacular clear day holds, I oughta get my ass out in our back yard & do some spinning while getting some Vitamin D. Think that's exactly what I'll go do. Enjoy your Saturday, VWorld peeps!


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Wow, congratulations! You are definitely out there now!

    I LOVE Google Alerts! <3 Set up one general alert and one for Blogs, too.

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Go Clown Pants! That's some great press. Keep the momentum going, and kick some booty!

    P.S. Thanks for the Alerts tip.

  3. ooh thanks for the tip, i'm going to go check out google alerts now...

  4. Anonymous2:13 AM

    I didn't even know Google Alerts existed, thanks for the info!


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